SCRAPS is having a cat sale

Five tabby cats, who were surrendered by an owner that could not care for them, arrive at SCRAPS in Spokane Valley in June. SR file photo.
The Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service is reporting that their cat room population has exploded from eight to 51 in only a few days. In response, SCRAPS will be having a nearly free cat sale Thursday and Friday. People will only have to pay for a $15 license. The spay/neuter, vaccinations, vet check and microchip are all free.
A SCRAPS press release promises that a wide variety of ages, breeds and sizes are available. If you have been thinking of adopting a cat, this is a great opportunity. Just stop by the shelter at 2521 N. Flora Road and see which adorable kitty works its magic on you. SCRAPS is open from noon to 5:30 p.m.