Key items on council agenda tonight
There are a couple key items on the Spokane Valley City Council agenda for tonight's meeting, both of which have the potential to make it a lengthy meeting. First up is a public hearing on a proposed development agreement to go with property on Conklin Road south of Broadway. The owner wants to rezone the land high density residential and put in apartments, a plan the surrounding neighbors in their single family homes have objected to. The proposed agreement restricts density and building height, among other stipulations. The council is scheduled to vote after the public hearing on whether to accept the agreement.
The item that will likely include a lengthy discussion is a report on the proposed goals and policies of the city's Shoreline Master Program. It's a detailed document, so it's expected that council members will have questions.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. tonight at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague.