Saturday’s highlights
Students from Orchard Center Elementary School march down a street near the school Friday, during a celebration of Martin Luther King Day. The students made signs and performed a skit at an assembly. SR photo/Jesse Tinsley.
It's a windy Tuesday morning out there as we come off a three day weekend and prepare for the first big snowstorm of the winter. But before we look forward to that, it's time to look back to Saturday's Valley Voice. Reporter Lisa Leinberger stopped by Orchard Center Elementary last week while the students put on a skit on Martin Luther King Jr. and had their own march near the school.
The Spokane Valley City Council voted somewhat reluctantly last week to approve the renewal of the city's street maintenance contract. The contract, which includes some snow plowing duties, has been the topic of discussion for several weeks.
The Spokane Valley Public Works Department held a community meeting last week to talk about this summer's planned reconstruction project on Sprague Ave. between Evergreen and Sullivan Road. The project should start around mid-May and last somehwere between 10-12 weeks.
The congregation of the Veradale United Church of Christ recently voted to become an "open and affirming" congregation. They crafted a statement that welcomes all people, including gays and lesbians.