Volunteers needed for trailhead restoration

Volunteers from local groups tackle weeks and erosion problems in October 2011 near a popular Spokane River access site near Mirabeau Point. File photo courtesy of the Spokane River Forum.
You are in luck if you'd like to spend some time outdoors Saturday helping restore a Centennial Trail trailhead in Spokane Valley. The Spokane River Forum is heading up an effort to finsh restoration work at the Mirabeau trailhead that was started last fall. Volunteers are needed from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday. Bring gloves and rakes and meet in the trailhead parking lot, which is on Mirabeau Parkway across from CenterPlace and the Valley YMCA.
Last fall volunteers installed a new fence and put in gravel and boulders to restore a trail down to the Spokane River. Saturday's project will include debris removal and weeding so the hillside can be hydo-seeded next week. The Veterans Conservation Corps and the Spokane Canoe and Kayak Club are also helping with the project, which is funded by a grant from REI.