Saturday’s highlights

Christ Lutheran Church has hired certified teacher Holly Moro to assist in Homework Helpers, an after-school program. Here, she helps Summit sixth-grader Lauren Walker (back to camera) with a math problem as first-graders Kate Walker, left, and Taylor Looker watch. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak
Monday again. Why does it come so soon? At any rate, it's time for the highlights from Saturday's Valley Voice. Christ Lutheran Church on Broadway has started a Homework Helpers club to offer free tutoring after school every Tuesday. Kids seem eager to come and it's not just the cookies that has them coming in the door.
Students at Centennial Middle School used their Sprit Week to raise money for a classmate with a medical issue. Spokane Valley city councilman Bill Gothmann has filed paperwork to run for re-election in November. He's the first candidate to announce his campaign.
In case you missed it, reporter John Craig had a story Saturday on the process underway to fill the senate seat of Bob McCaslin, who is also a Spokane Valley city council member. McCaslin is reportedly upset about the candidates that were selected for consideration.
Also, just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to mail your ballots in the Central Valley bond election.