Saturday’s highlights

Chris Lomen and John Smith of Marlin Windows Inc. install new energy-efficient windows on the south side of Centennial Middle School. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak
There was a lot of school news in Saturday's Valley Voice as the three Spokane Valley school districts prepare to open their doors soon. Correspondent Steve Cristilaw took a look at the East Valley High School and West Valley High School football teams as they prepare for the season. Reporter Lisa Leinberger has a story on new windows being installed at Centennial Middle School and another on the new budgets passed by East Valley and West Valley. Techers and administrators in both districts are taking pay cuts.
The Spokane Valley City Council took another look a a proposal to extend Mansfield Avenue east of Pines where it has a several hundred foot gap. The council previously voted not to ask for a grant for the work, but last week they voted to approve the grant application after learning that nearby developers were willing to chip in 10 percent of the project cost.
The Spokane Valley Fire Department spent the last week responding to several unexplained fires and fished a drunken man out of the Spokane River.