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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

WaLeg Day 71: Voting rights, marijuana, mental health, drones…

OLYMPIA -- A little something for almost everyone on the committee hearing schedule today.

Senate Gov Opps has the House Voting Rights Act bill on its agenda, along with a bill that would let county commissioners hold regular meetings outside their regular locations.

House Commerce and Gambling has a list of marijuana bills that made it through the Senate.

Senate Human Services has several House bills on involuntary mental health commitments.

Senate Law and Justice has the House unmanned aircraft restrictions.

Here's the complete list of today's hearings:

Monday, March 23, 2015





9:55 AM



10:00 AM

Government Operations & Security (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 2


Health Care (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 4


Human Services, Mental Health & Housing (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 1


12:00 PM



1:30 PM

Early Learning & K-12 Education (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 1


Law & Justice (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 4


Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (H)

House Hearing Rm E


Commerce & Gaming (H)

House Hearing Rm C


Education (H)

House Hearing Rm A


Environment (H)

House Hearing Rm B


Labor (H)

House Hearing Rm D


3:30 PM

Transportation (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 1


Appropriations (H)

House Hearing Rm A


Transportation (H)

House Hearing Rm B


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House Committees

3/23/15 3:30 pm

Watch on TVWHouse Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/19/2015 4:58 PM

Public Hearing:

  1. ESSB 5826 - Creating the Washington small business retirement marketplace.
  2. SB 5840 - Concerning reimbursement to eligible providers for medicaid ground emergency medical transportation services.
  3. SHB 2136 - Concerning comprehensive marijuana market reforms to ensure a well-regulated and taxed marijuana market in Washington state.


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Commerce & Gaming
3/23/15 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. SB 5121 - Establishing a marijuana research license.
  2. SSB 5398 - Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuana-infused products in public.
  3. ESB 5673 - Concerning the distribution of synthetic cannabinoids and bath salts.
  4. SB 5903 - Restricting certain methods of selling marijuana.

Possible Executive Session:

  1. SSB 5012 - Authorizing the growing of industrial hemp.
  2. SB 5155 - Modifying special occasion licenses provisions.
  3. SSB 5280 - Concerning the sale of beer and cider by grocery store licensees.
  4. ESB 5504 - Allowing additional liquor distributor employees to stock liquor under certain circumstances.
  5. SSB 5596 - Creating a special permit for a manufacturer of wine to hold a private event for the purpose of tasting and selling wine of its own production.


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Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs*
3/23/15 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/19/2015 10:21 AM

Public Hearing: SSB 5433 - Requiring Washington's tribal history, culture, and government to be taught in the common schools.

Possible Executive Session:

  1. SB 5290 - Authorizing law enforcement and prosecutorial officials of federally recognized Indian tribes access to prescription monitoring data.
  2. SSB 5463 - Concerning access to and creation of cultural and heritage programs and facilities.
  3. SB 5819 - Modifying the definition of legislative authority for purposes of local tourism promotion areas.
  4. SSB 5433 - Requiring Washington's tribal history, culture, and government to be taught in the common schools.


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3/23/15 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. E2SSB 5179 - Concerning paraeducators.
  2. 2SSB 5252 - Creating a program to implement regional safety and security centers.
  3. ESB 5419 - Enacting the student user privacy in education rights act.
  4. SSB 5721 - Concerning the membership of the expanded learning opportunities council.


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3/23/15 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. SSB 5609 - Protecting waterways from pollution from synthetic plastic microbeads.
  2. ESSB 5843 - Concerning outdoor recreation.
  3. ESB 5577 - Concerning pharmaceutical waste.


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3/23/15 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Work Session:

  1. Labor trafficking.
  2. Workers' compensation updates.
    1. Fraud.
    2. Medical Provider Network and Centers for Occupational Health and Education.


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3/23/15 3:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. SB 5100 - Concerning the processing of certain motor vehicle-related violations applicable to rental cars.
  2. SSB 5481 - Concerning tolling customer service reform.
  3. SB 5634 - Exempting a widow or widower with gold star license plates from vehicle licensing fees for one motor vehicle.
  4. SSB 5820 - Concerning the sale of certain department of transportation surplus property.
  5. ESB 5863 - Concerning highway construction workforce development.
  6. ESB 6044 - Requiring the consideration of public access when designing a transportation facility adjacent to or across a waterway.
  7. SJM 8012 - Requesting the designation of U.S. Highway 101 to honor recipients of the Medal of Honor.


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Senate Committees

The schedule is subject to the addition of more committee agendas. Please check our website,

Early Learning & K-12 Education*
3/23/15 1:30 pm

Watch on TVWSenate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/20/2015 11:16 AM

Public Hearing:

  1. ESHB 1420 - Establishing a legislative task force on school siting.
  2. E2SHB 1491 - Improving quality in the early care and education system (Hearing will be on the Striking Amendment).
  3. E2SHB 1546 - Concerning dual credit opportunities provided by Washington state's public institutions of higher education.

If draft bills, proposed substitutes, or striking amendments are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website,, as soon as they are available. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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Government Operations & Security
3/23/15 10:00 am

Watch on TVWSenate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 2
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 1013 - Authorizing regular meetings of county legislative authorities to be held at alternate locations within the county.
  2. HB 1047 - Concerning state agencies continuity of operations planning requirements.
  3. HB 1389 - Addressing the scope of state fire service mobilization and ensuring compliance with existing state and federal disaster response policies.
  4. E2SHB 1368 - Removing disincentives to the voluntary formation of regional fire protection service authorities by equalizing certain provisions with existing laws governing fire protection districts and by clarifying the formation process.
  5. HB 1605 - Modifying certain provisions governing benefit charges of fire protection districts and regional fire protection service authorities.
  6. ESHB 1745 - Enacting the Washington voting rights act.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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Health Care
3/23/15 10:00 am

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. SHB 1045 - Concerning the practice of East Asian medicine.
  2. ESHB 1186 - Requiring notifications to patients in observation status at hospitals.
  3. HB 1531 - Removing expiration dates for training and certification exemptions for certain long-term care workers.
  4. ESHB 1740 - Addressing political subdivisions purchasing health coverage through the public employees' benefits board program.
  5. HB 1779 - Requiring specialized training for persons conducting victim interviews as part of the disciplinary process for a health professional alleged to have committed sexual misconduct.
  6. 2SHB 2063 - Creating a work group to design a qualified achieving a better life experience program.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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Human Services, Mental Health & Housing*
3/23/15 10:00 am

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/19/2015 4:24 PM

Public Hearing:

  1. EHB 1258 - Concerning court review of detention decisions under the involuntary treatment act.
  2. E2SHB 1450 - Concerning involuntary outpatient mental health treatment.
  3. E2SHB 2060 - Concerning competency evaluation and restoration services. (Hearing is on the Striking Amendment.)
  4. ESHB 1713 - Integrating the treatment systems for mental health and chemical dependency.
  5. 2SHB 1916 - Integrating administrative provisions for chemical dependency and mental health.

If draft bills, proposed substitutes, or striking amendments are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website, Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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Law & Justice
3/23/15 1:30 pm

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. ESHB 1093 - Concerning unmanned aircraft.
  2. ESHB 1094 - Concerning biometric identifiers.
  3. HB 1962 - Regulating disclosure of process server social security numbers.
  4. HB 1302 - Clarifying the applicability of child abduction statutes to residential provisions ordered by a court.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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3/23/15 3:30 pm

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/20/2015 4:26 PM

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 1585 - Providing a right of first repurchase for surplus transportation property.
  2. ESHB 1695 - Establishing a priority for the use, reuse, and recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials in Washington.
  3. ESHB 1844 - Concerning work performed by state forces on ferry vessels and terminals.
  4. SHB 1851 - Creating an expedited permitting and contracting process for bridges owned by local governments that are deemed structurally deficient.
  5. EHB 2190 - Authorizing the electronic submission of vessel reports of sale.
  6. SHB 1586 - Transferring a railroad right-of-way to the Port of Royal Slope.
  7. ESHB 2131 - Regulating insurance for providers of commercial transportation services.
  8. SGA 9219 - Rita Brogan, Member, Transportation Commission.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business. ESHB 2131 will be heard with a striking amendment. It can be found at

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Ways & Means*
3/23/15 3:30 pm

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA




Jim Camden

Jim Camden joined The Spokesman-Review in 1981 and retired in 2021. He is currently the political and state government correspondent covering Washington state.

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