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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

Senate back, voting this afternoon

OLYMPIA -- The Senate convened this afternoon for the first time in a week with more than just a handful of members in attendance, and is scheduled to vote later this afternoon on three key bills that will all but finish their work for the session.

* A four-year delay in Initiative 1351, the class-size initiative voters approved in November. It needs at least 33 votes.

 *Approval of the authority for the state to sell bonds for capital projects. It needs at least 30 votes.

* A two-year delay in the biology assessment test which high school seniors are requested to pass to get their diplomas. It needs 25 votes, a simple majority in the 49-member chamber.

 All are expected to pass, so the real question is what will members have to say about the bills and how it is they are coming up for a vote on July 9.

The assessment test bill will be sent to the House, which will take up that and two bills related to transportation projects on Friday. Some senators will have to return Friday for the formal sine die adjournment with the House.

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