Elway Poll: Class-size measure has strong lead
An initiative that would require smaller classes in Washington's public schools has strong support among voters polled a month before election day.
Elway Research says two of three voters surveyed last week said they were either definitely or probably going to vote yes on Initiative 1351, which would require the Legislature to spend money to reduce class sizes in all public schools, but with an extra emphasis on schools in high poverty areas.
Support for the measure was strong across demographic and political lines, pollster H. Stuart Elway said, although voters who said they are following this year's elections "very closely" were less inclined to say they planned to vote yes than those who said they were not paying attention at all.
"It is not entirely unprecedented for initiative support to collapse in the closing weeks of the campaign," Elway said in the report detailing the survey's results. But in the three cases over the last 20 years in which it did, those measures had organize opposition and I-1351 does not, he added.
To read more about the survey results, click on the document below. To read arguments for and against I-1351 from the state's Online Voter's Guide, click here. To check out coverage of I-1351 in The Spokesman-Review's Election Center, click here.