Local legislators reaching out by phone
OLYMPIA -- While Spokane-area legislators are spending most of their time for the next two months in Olympia,some are are trying to keep in touch with constituents by shifting the standard "town hall meeting" from a place to a phone number.
Republican Reps. Kevin Parker and Jeff Holy from Spokane's 6th Legislative District, which has parts of south and northwest Spokane city and much of the West Plains, are having a one-hour conference at 6:30 p.m. tonight. conference. Constituents can call 1-800-759-5308 to listen and press the star key to ask a question.
The 7th Legislative District delegation, Sen. Brian Dansel and Reps. Joel Kretz and Shelly Short, will have a joint teleconference on Feb. 3. Constituents can call 1-877-229-8493 and enter 112381 when prompted.