A fun year-end list
It's late December, so it must be time for those end-of-the-year lists on everything from biggest stories to worst movies.
It's something our media bosses in the Kremlin make us do because they're paying us to work when they know very little news occurs. The Spokesman-Review will have its Top Stories of 2014 in Wednesday's paper.
But in perusing the many lists on the Internet, one of the most amusing in the PolitiFact list of top lies being passed around the Internet. You've probably received at least one of them from a relative or old high school friend who is convinced conspiracies are responsible for almost everything bad that has ever happened. They're pretty bipartisan, with wild tales about the Obamas, George W. Bush, Congress, and nonpartisan, for things like ammunition shortages and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
It's a good read. Check it out here.