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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

AP: Ferguson suing anti GMO labeling donor

Attorney General Bob Ferguson held a press conference this morning to announce a lawsuit against a group that has given some $7 million to the campaign against Initiative 522. Here's an updated report from Mike Baker of the Associated Press:

SEATTLE (AP) — Washington’s attorney general accused a food industry group Wednesday of violating state campaign finance laws for how it collected and spent more than $7 million to oppose a food labeling initiative. . .


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. . . The office of Attorney General Bob Ferguson said it was moving quickly to seek a temporary restraining order, hoping that the Grocery Manufacturers Association would soon disclose who contributed to the cause as voters prepare to cast their ballots. Some parts of the food industry have been working to defeat Initiative 522 that would require labeling on genetically modified foods.

Much of the money used in the campaign to oppose I-522 has come from the Grocery Manufacturers Association. Ferguson said the association improperly established a special account that was used to collect money from the industry and used to oppose the initiative. Ferguson said the organization should have formed a separate political committee that would require increased disclosure.

Ferguson said the association explicitly attempted to shield members from scrutiny for opposing the initiative.

“This is precisely the conduct our campaign disclosure laws are designed to prevent,” Ferguson said. Ferguson said the case could lead to a significant fine.

The association issued a statement that it was studying Ferguson's complaint.

"We are looking into the complaint and the specific allegations it contains. GMA takes great care to understand and comply with all state election and campaign finance laws and is surprised to learn thta the Washington State authorities viewed the associations actions as improper," the organization said in a prepared statement, adding it would review the law and "continue to cooperate with the state authroities to fully resolve the issue as promptly as possible." 

Voters will decide on I-522 next month in what has shaped up to be one of the costliest initiative fights ever in Washington state.

Supporters say consumers have a right to know whether foods they buy contain genetically engineered ingredients and contend that GE label is no different from other food labels. Opponents say it would cost farmers and food processors and that such a label implies the food is somehow less safe.

In California last year, voters narrowly rejected a GMO-labeling measure after opponents mounted a $46 million defense.

Jim Camden
Jim Camden joined The Spokesman-Review in 1981 and retired in 2021. He is currently the political and state government correspondent covering Washington state.

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