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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

Cowan: Stop bickering over health care law

As his Republican opponent continues to call for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, Democratic congressional candidate Rich Cowan said it's time to "put aside the partisan bickering.""

Cowan's likely opponent in November, four term Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, was one of the go-to commentators for the House GOP on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision today and called for Congress to "repeal and replace the law" in the face of the narrow decision that said the law is constitutional. She also blasted some scatological messages she said that came from national Democrats in the wake of the decision, and sent out a fund-raising appeal for the National Republican Congressional Campaign that asked those who also find the messages crass to donate $3 to "show Democrats what Mom-power looks like." 

Cowan said the court "did the right thing for our health care today" and cited some popular features that will continue, such as extended coverage for young adults on their parents' insurance and an end to coverage denials for pre-existing conditions. And he played the "I understand these things because I'm in the private sector" card.

"As a business owner I have experienced first hand how important basic, affordable health care is to employees," he said in a press release. "here are parts of this law that can be improved, like cost containment and access issues, but it is time to put aside the partisan bickering and put America back to work."         

To read the Cowan press release and the McMorris Rodgers fund-raising e-mails in their entirety, or to comment, click here to go inside the blog.

Rich Cowan's Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Uphold the Affordable Care Act

(Spokane, WA) June 28, 2012 - Congressional Candidate Rich Cowan's statement on the United States Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act:

"The Supreme Court did the right thing for our health care today.

In upholding the Affordable Care Act, the decision protects the 180,000 residents of Eastern Washington and the rest of the nation struggling to get insurance, and restores the competitiveness of American business on a global scale.

As a business owner I have experienced first hand how important basic, affordable health care is to employees.  And for those who are not working, their lack of medical care is frightening and can be life threatening.

The most vulnerable will no longer be excluded because of pre-existing conditions.  Young adults up to age 26 will be able to remain on their parents' insurance.  We will have more choices, families and small business will save money, children and seniors will have preventive care with no more co-pays.  Most importantly, people can still keep their private insurance and their doctor.

This is a victory for "our Washington." There are parts of this law that can be improved, like cost containment and access issues, but it is time to put aside the partisan bickering and put America back to work."                         


From:Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers []
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 12:46 PM
Subject: I'm appalled.



Right after the Supreme Court’s decision this morning the Democratic National Committee started celebrating - these are direct quotes:

“it's constitutional. B****es.” "TAKE THAT MOTHER******S!!"

This is the party that speaks for women? I’m appalled.

As a Mother, I fear my kids will grow up in a country where Washington controls healthcare decisions best left to Moms, Dads and families.

We must get rid of this law by defeating the crass Democrats who support it.

Please give $3 right now and let’s show Democrats what Mom-Power looks like.

Take control now,

Cathy McMorris Rodgers,
Vice-Chair, House Republican Conference

Jim Camden
Jim Camden joined The Spokesman-Review in 1981 and retired in 2021. He is currently the political and state government correspondent covering Washington state.

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