News flash: Obama wins Washington
Rick Lloyd of Spokane Valley, center, and other members of Washington's Electoral College sign paperwork to cast the state's electoral votes for Barack Obama.
The Electoral College – which doesn’t have a mascot, a fight song or even a campus – met at noon Monday in state capitals around the nation and awarded votes to Obama or Mitt Romney based on the general election results.
Each state gets one elector for each member of the U.S. House of Representatives and senator, so in Idaho, the four votes were cast for Republican Mitt Romney, even though the former Massachusetts governor has no chance of moving into the White House.
In Washington, where a majority of votes were cast for Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, 12 men and women selected by Democratic activists gathered in the Capitol’s marble-walled Reception Room to do the official work of casting the Evergreen State’s ballots, which mostly involved signing their names to multiple sheets of paper with official writing and seals.
A bit tedious to watch, maybe, but exciting to be part of, electors said. . .
. . . Harvey Brooks, 70, of
Now it has truly changed, Brooks said, because it not only elected an African-American president, but a majority re-elected him, and many didn’t seem to care about his race. “They just cared he was a good man.”
Rick Lloyd of SpokaneValley, elector from
Some people call the Electoral College an anachronism, and plans to alter it or allow the presidency to go to the winner of the nationwide popular vote crop up, usually in the months before a presidential election.
Lloyd said he’s heard the complaints but thinks it’s generally served the nation well over its history. “I’m not going to be second-guessing the Founding Fathers,” he said.
Travis Ridout, the Thomas S. Foley Distinguished Professor of Government and Public Policy at
Now electors are chosen by political parties and many states have laws against “faithless electors” who cast a ballot for someone other than their state’s majority choice.
That was most popular after 2000, particularly with Democrats, after Al Gore won the popular vote but George W. Bush won the Electoral College vote, Ridout said. So far, only eight states and the