Council stance unchanged on Community Bill of Rights
The Spokane City Council took another chance on Monday to critique Proposition 1, the Community Bill of Rights.
Council members voted 6-1 to formally oppose the initiative, which appears on the November ballot.
The rejection is no surprise. All the members of City Council already were on record in opposition to the proposition, which would require developers of some kinds of projects to collect voter signatures, make it easier to pursue lawsuits against governments or businesses that pollute the Spokane River or aquifer, challenge corporate rights and extend constitutional rights into the workplace.
Only Councilman Jon Snyder voted against the recommendation.
Snyder said he personally opposes Proposition 1 but that he didn’t think the council should take a formal position on a local citizen’s initiative. He later, however, sponsored a resolution that took a stance against state Initiative 1125, which focuses on road tolling. Snyder’s resolution recommending opposition to I-1125 was approved on a 5-2 vote. Council members Bob Apple and Nancy McLaughlin dissented.