Today’s fun video: House GOP pep talk
When talking to House Republicans about an upcoming deficit reduction plan, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy reportedly showed members this scene from the movie "The Town" to get them to fall in line.
Out of context, it may work fine. In the context of the movie, however, it does seem strange, considering the characters here are bank robbers who are about to go beat the bejeezus out of someone. While the House GOP might want to metaphorically beat congressional Democrats and President Obama, they clearly wouldn't want to be seen as robbing the nation's bank.
It may surprise no one out there that Ben Affleck was not pleased the movie was associated with the GOP solution to the debt crisis. But hey, you never know what a clip from your movie will be used for. And it may prompt some Republicans to order it on Netflix or rent it from Redbox, so he really can't complain.
Stil, there might be better movies to excerpt for an inspirational GOP moment. George C. Scott's speech at the beginning of "Patton" comes to mind. If it were up to you, what would you show?