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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

I-1053 turn-in: 333,000-plus signatures

OLYMPIA -- Supporters of the initiative to restore the two-thirds majority required for any tax increase are the latest to do a signature drop.

This morning they turned in what sponsor Tim Eyman estimated was more than 333,000 signatures. Like the other petitions turned in so far, that all but guarantees them a spot on the ballot because the threshold is just over 241,000, and a margin like that allows the Secretary of State's office to do the simpler "spot-check" for validation.

They followed on the heels of I-1107, a plan to repeal most of the temporary consumer taxes (soda, candy, bottled water, but not beer) enacted by the Legislature this spring, which turned in an estimated 395,000 signatures.

That makes five for the ballot: One to privatize liquor sales, one to add private insurance to the mix on workers compensation, one to institute an income tax on people who make more than $200,000, one to repeal taxes that have gone into effect in the last month, and the two-thirds majority.

Another proposal to privatize liquor sales is due in around lunchtime. The proposal to legalize marijuana use didn't get enough signatures and has cancelled its 4:20 appointment.

The Spokesman-Review's political team keeps a critical eye on local, state and national politics.