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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control archive for Jan. 20, 2010

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 2010

WA Lege: Should credit scores help set car premiums? 

OLYMPIA – A credit score should not be used to help determine how much a person pays for home or auto insurance premiums, State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler told a legislative panel Wednesday evening.Factors that affect credit scores can discriminate against low income and minorities,…

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Does Scott Brown's victory have legs (or wings) to WA? 

OLYMPIA--Washington Republicans wasted little time trying to draw connections between a Democratic Senate loss in Massachusetts and election prospects in the Evergreen State.Washington Democrats conceded that the loss of a supermajority in the U.S. Senate complicates plans in the Legislature. They can’t expect Congress to…

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WA Lege: Pot decriminalization fails, too 

OLYMPIA--A bill that would turn possession of small amounts of marijuana into a civil infraction failed in a state House committee this afternoon.HB 1177, which would decriminalize the possession of about two ounces or less of marijuana, failed on a vote of 3 yeas and…

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WA Lege: Pot legalization fails 

OLYMPIA -- A bill to legalize personal use of marijuana died in committee today. The House Public Safety and Preparedness Committee rejected HB 2401 which would have put marijuana under state regulation and taxation. An estimate from the state Office of Financial Management released Tuesday…

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WA GOP hoping MA returns point the way

OLYMPIA -- Washington Republicans wasted no time in drawing political lines from Massachusetts to the Evergreen State, hoping Scott Brown's U.S. Senate victory is a harbinger for this fall.State GOP Chairman Luke Esser said he couldn't speculate on possible gains yet because so many candidates…

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WA Lege Day 8: Fire and Water?

OLYMPIA -- Today's agenda around the Capitol will be as diverse as fire and water.State Fire Commissioners have their day of lobbying legislators, and the state Ground Water Association will have equipment on display. It is also Autism Awareness Day and Dairy Day.Hearings start at…

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