Dino Rossi: Champ of Freedom?
Dino Rossi has a new title to add to his resume along with state senator, Ways and Means Committee chairman, gubernatorial candidate, U.S. senate candidate, businessman...
Champion of Freedom.
Rossi is so listed on the program for Friday night's FreedomWorks Take Back America convention in Washington, D.C. No information from the group -- led by former U.S. Rep. Dick Armey, R-Texas -- on what series of contests one must win to earn the title. But other champs of freedom on the agenda include Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul and Florida Senate candidate Mark Rubio. It's possible C of F is a title given to speakers who don't currently hold federal office, as U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachman of Minnesota is listed as "congresswoman" rather than C of F.
The convention should not be confused with the Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, which happens Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial. Two separate things entirely.
And it may be just because it's Friday of a long week, but does anyone else think the convention logo has an odd, 1930s Soviet Realism feel to it?