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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

Rossi: Would vote no on Kagan

Dino Rossi has taken a stand, apparently in part after prodding by the Everett Herald, on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.

The short answer is he'd oppose her nomination. The long answer, which can be found inside the blog, notes he might back her for a lower court but doesn't think she should get a spot on the Supremes without prior judicial experience.

Jerry Cornfield, political reporter for The Everett Herald, had ask Rossi's staff last week whether he'd support or oppose Kagan. At the time, incumbent Patty Murray was on record as supporting Kagan, and another Republican challenger, Clint Didier, was strongly against.

Rossi's staff said they'd send word, but didn't. At lunchtime, Cornfield noted Rossi was still mum on Kagan:"It could be they're busy. More likely, they're weighing the strategic value of letting anyone know until it's too late for anyone to care...If Rossi opposed the nomination he'd have made a big deal of it by now. Many conservatives around the country oppose Kagan's nomination and it could only have helped him in that crowd. Republican Clint Didier opposes her nomination and he gets loud cheers at events when he makes it known. "

Then the Democratic campaign operatives picked up the chant, recirculating the blog post to poke Rossi.

Rossi Statement on Elena Kagan Nomination


Bellevue, WA – U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi made the following statement Monday regarding the nomination of Elena Kagan to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court:

 “I believe that every nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should have a fair and thorough confirmation process, concluding, almost without exception, with an up-or-down vote by the full Senate. 

 “Elena Kagan’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee left many unanswered questions about her past work, and, more importantly, about how she views the Constitution and the role of a judge.  Since Ms. Kagan lacks any prior judicial experience, we must examine her past work in the public and private sector. 

 “I am not convinced that Ms. Kagan will limit herself to interpreting the Constitution and will instead substitute her own beliefs for laws with which she does not agree personally. 

 “I admire Ms. Kagan’s personal accomplishments and respect her resume.  In fact, I could possibly support her appointment to a lower court. But, a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court doesn’t strike me as the right starting point for someone who has served as a political advocate rather than as a neutral, unbiased arbiter.  Therefore, I cannot support Ms. Kagan’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.”

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