WA Lege SpecSess: No deal, Lucille
OLYMPIA -- Reports of a "deal" between House and Senate Democratic leaders on the taxes and budget package appear to be greatly exaggerated.
The Senate was briefly in session today, passing a bill that allows a 25 cent tax to help fund Enhanced 911 service. Democrats had a caucus afterwards, but it was over quickly.
Senate sources say there's been "movement" toward a deal, but no actual deal. Gov. Chris Gregoire echoed that during an impromptu press conference: Her information was that legislators "had discussions that shown progress...We do not have a deal."
Unlike last week, when she used words like disappointed and disgusted, Gregoire was more upbeat: "I'm hopeful." Asked what movement had taken place on which sticking points, she said she didn't want to jinx anything. "It's premature for me to say much more than this."