Eyman back to old fave: Car tabs
Initiative entrepreneur Tim Eyman must have a bit of time on his hands. He's filed yet another initiative with the Secretary of State's office.
This one attempts to cast in even harder concrete a Washington car owner's God-given right to cheap car tabs. Anything over $30 would require a public vote.
Secretary of State Sam Reed's office reports Eyman filed it today, which means it was sent to the code reviser for a check of the language. The reviser has seven days, and has a total of 15 days to advise the state of any changes before it can get a number and petitiions can be printed.
So let's see. Eyman could begin gathering signatures no sooner than June 13, which would give him 21 days to gather the 241,153 valid signatures needed to get on the ballot. Or about 15,000 a day.
Yeah, that'll happen. What do you wanna bet Eyman's just trying to get a little free legal help writing an initiative he can trot out next year?
Or is that being too cynical.