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Spin Control archive for Jan. 2008

THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 2008

Vying for Northwest voters

As Republican Ron Paul's supporters prepared for a rally Thursday evening in Spokane, Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton dueled for attention from Northwest voters in Idaho and the Puget Sound.

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30, 2008

Could be our theme song

We're debuting our new, improved Spin Control, with this video clip, not just because it's pretty clever, but because it's appropos of the site.We'll have changes -- including more video clips.Let us know what you think of our changes.

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TUESDAY, JAN. 29, 2008

About that Obama rumor

At about the same time the Ron Paul campaign was confirming his visit to Spokane, the Barack Obama campaign was pretty well laying to rest the rumor the Illinois senator would be coming to Coeur d'Alene.Obama has a campaign stop in Idaho on Boise.A…

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MONDAY, JAN. 28, 2008

Romney ad hits hard

This is a real no-holds-barred kind of ad the Romney campaign has up on the Web.If you think it's great, or if you think it's horrible, you can join the debate on YouTube right here

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Tate endorses Romney

Former U.S. Rep. and former Christian Coalition executive director Randy Tate said Monday he's backing Mitt Romney.The Romney campaign announced that this afternoon, about four hours after the McCain campaign announced the Dan Evans endorsement.The juxtapostion suggest Romney and McCain will be chasing two different…

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FRIDAY, JAN. 25, 2008

A whisper of controversy

The Internet is rife with allegations that Republican Mitt Romney got help with a question during MSNBC's Florida debate. The network says, however, it was a problem with an open microphone somewhere in the system, and Romney probably didn't even hear it.

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Clinton campaign caucus prep

Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign continues scheduling caucus "training" sessions for Washington state's Feb. 9 precinct caucuses.Mostly they're on the West Side of the state, but campaign officials say they will have one in the Spokane area on Feb. 2.It will start at 3:30 p.m. at…

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The Spokesman-Review's political team keeps a critical eye on local, state and national politics.

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Jan. 2008
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