Story ‘bout a man named Judd
Keith Russell Judd, a Texas prison inmate, will share Idaho’s presidential primary ballot with regulars Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Boise Bureau Chief Betsy Russell reported Wednesday.
Judd apparently met the minimum requirements, filling out the form and sending in a cashable check for the $1,000 filing fee. Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysura, a Republican, is apparently a bit embarrassed that the office was snookered into putting a felon on the ballot.
That's probably better than bragging that the state made a grand off the filing and it’s the Democrats’ job to figure out who should get their vote.
The presidential primary doesn’t really count for much for Idaho Democrats, who already apportioned their delegates based on the caucuses.
So the only real question is, how many votes will Judd get?
Spin Control 2.0 predicts 3 percent:
Just being on the ballot should be good for 1 percent
Having the same last name as popular country stars could be good for another percent (Is he Ashley's brother? Is he Naomi's husband?)
And at least another 1 percent are tired of the Barack v. Hillary fighting going on in Pennsylvania.
But we could be way off. Click to weigh in with a prediction at Comments