Boot and sock drive to kick off
The South Perry Business and Neighborhood Association is sponsoring a sock and boot drive for students at Grant Elementary School. About 90 percent of students at Grant receive free or reduced lunch because they live in poverty. At last weeke's SPBNA meeting it was discussed whether to adopt a family for the holidays or try and do something for more students - and that's how the sock and boot drive was born.
Look for large plastic collection bins to pop up at your favorite South Perry businesses within the week.
TEAM Grant (the parent teacher association) will distribute the donated winter clothing to students in need.
Please give new or gently used winter boots, socks, tights, mittens, hats and scarves in sizes five-years-old and up.
Cash donations are welcome, too. Please send checks to TEAM Greant, c/o Grant Elementary School, 1300 E. Ninth Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202