When someone from Spokane visits Seattle
What would you guess is the most typical reaction?
A) Admiration for Washington's largest city.
B) Move wallet to a front pocket.
C) "I could totally live here."
D) "A house in that neighborhood costs what?"
E) "I don't mind a little humidity but my hair smells like a plate of fish and chips."
F) "The way that guy is ogling me makes me think Seattle's reputation for sophistication might be a tad overstated."
G) "Was it my imagination or did the desk clerk seem surprised that we were wearing shoes when he heard we were from Spokane?"
H) Excitement about being in a city of finalists.
I) A 600 mile round-trip to watch a pro sports game? Sure. Why not?
J) "I thought I would see more Nordic dogs here."
K) "I wish I could take a ferry to work."
L) "This traffic threatens my will to live."
M) "No one I've met in my time here would have voted for our congresswoman."
N) "Next time I hear someone compare Mount Spokane to Mount Rainier, I am going to laugh long and hard."
O) This congestion reminds me of that song, "Rocky Top"..."I've had years of cramped up city life, trapped like a duck in a pen."
P) "Why does the desk clerk keep referring to me as a Wal-Mart shopper?"
Q) "There are people here who are not dressed relaxed/casual."
R) "When do I get to meet an Orca?"
S) "I miss my house and sweet little drive to work."
T) Admiration for the lineup of restaurants, stores and nonstop flights.
U) "People here don't seem to be getting enough to eat."
V) "I think I just saw Frasier Crane."
W) "I wonder if the sun ever comes out."
X) "Do people here dream of Christmases in Spokane."
Y) "Sixty-three percent of the people here seem pretty nice."
Z) "Perry Como lied. These aren't the bluest skies I've ever seen."