You’ll read this blog post, and like it
There are those of us who believe this country took a wrong turn back when parents stopped saying, "I'll give you something to cry about."
I have spent years trying to bring it back. But seemingly every time I raise the subject, some tender soul suggests I am advocating child abuse. That gets old after a while.
So I have a new campaign.
You know another way parents used to deal with children whining about some chore or scheduled activity? Sure. They would say, "You'll (fill in the blank), and like it."
I love that. I love the people who said that.
"You'll play soccer, and like it."
"You'll take swimming lessons, and like it."
"You'll get a haircut, and like it."
The options are virtually endless. And the thing is, it's firm but funny. Even kids realize that.
Besides, a lot of times, if a child actually does try something, there is every possibility that he or she will, in fact, like it.
But if they don't, well, you can always tell them you'll give them something to cry about. If nothing else, both you and the kid will have a laugh.