Yet another old beer can...
...from a defunct brewery in Spokane. I have been told that guys who worked there could have a beer at lunch. Have you ever worked somewhere that allowed free samples of the product?
...from a defunct brewery in Spokane. I have been told that guys who worked there could have a beer at lunch. Have you ever worked somewhere that allowed free samples of the product? If you enter "Spokane Washington" and click on "male," it says you are "A'trom," a Klingon. "Paul Turner" gets you "Koss, a Vulcan." But this might be less than pure science. I know. You're shocked. I did some repeat entries and suspect the name/identity… A bike-riding friend who lives in Minnesota likes to track the erratic, dangerous misadventures of people driving cars. He refers to them as "automobilists." I suspect this is in response to the way those who hate bike riders sneeringly use the word "bicyclist." That…
Let's face it. It is seldom well-executed. And it can be a bit over-the-top when the event or accomplishment being celebrated is actually pretty ho-hum. But what would take its place? To paraphrase an old New Yorker cartoon...How about nothing? Would nothing work for you? Last week, we talked about the crew member from Spokane. But my colleague Jim Camden noted another local connection. "When it returned to the U.S. from its 25 missions, the Memphis Belle was refurbished at the Spokane Air Depot, or Galena (what we now… Uh, wasn't it "mild-mannered"? "Meek and cowardly" seems a bit harsh. Yes, OK. I will admit that my interest in "Lou Grant" exceeds that of any rational person in 2014. I will further admit that I have asked this exact question before. But some of us learn through repetition.
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