Your plans for Victoria Day?
It's Monday. "Get royally hammered" is one option. But perhaps you can aim higher.
It's Monday. "Get royally hammered" is one option. But perhaps you can aim higher.
...people will disappear from their workplaces early, as if by magic. It's the power of Memorial Day weekend.
Are you old enough to remember this campaign?
You know, as in nervous or easily startled.
A little neighbor boy told me his name. He was standing on his porch, across the street. I said it was a good name. Then he asked me for mine. I told him my first name, and spelled it. His mother looked down at her…
Came in this morning to see that someone who once tried to rip me a new one in a letter to the editor wants me to connect with her on LinkedIn. I clicked on "Accept." I actually encountered her in person not all that long…
This ran on this date in 2010.
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.