Here's a note from my friend Steve Heaps. "Since I am a prostate cancer survivor still undergoing Periodic Stimulation of Anxiety (PSA) tests, the Super Bowl Chevy World Cancer Day commercial brought Karen and I to tears. The song with the lyric 'Don't leave me'…
"My 91-year-old mother called me this morning," wrote Ron Hardin. "She was so excited that she was out of breath. She had won the sports pool at the retirement center where she lives. For her 50 cent investment, she won $12.50." But she had one…
I am trying to remember the last time I opened up a copy of the New Yorker magazine and saw that the first letter to the editor was from someone in Spokane. Drawing a blank. But that happened just the other day. Cannot remember the…
In fact, it is America's ninth most romantic city, according to a list you are certain to hear about this week. Alas, the whole thing is such utter nonsense The Slice Blog will not waste another second of your time with it. (But if you…
As noted in today's column, I received more icebox recollections than I could use. But before we close the door on this, here are just a few more. "The kids always followed the truck and the iceman would give them ice chips." -- Dorothy Tait…