Jury Duty, Day 4
Well, I just called the Superior Court recorded message for those on jury duty. And they won't be needing me on Friday.
I'm to call tomorrow night to find out about Monday.
So, to review, here's the tally.
Days served as prospective juror: 1
Days not needed: 3
On Tuesday, during the orientation, we were told it was up to us whether we wished to speak to the media after a trial. But so far, I would not have much to reveal.
Gave up on saving that Rockwell biography for jury-duty downtime. Have plunged in and have enjoyed it.
Interesting to get a glimpse of the circumstances surrounding some of his signature paintings.
I already knew his life had not been a nonstop laugh riot. But the extent to which happiness eluded him is remarkable.
But there are lots of good details. For instance, though his illustrations for the publication are what made him famous, Rockwell apparently thought little of the Saturday Evening Post as a magazine.