Jury Duty, Day 3
Once again, my juror group was not required to report. So I'll call again tonight and find out if they want me at the courthouse on Friday.
Not having to show up certainly works in terms of being able to build my day around other out-of-the-office-activities. But it's not so great for my plan to blog about jury duty.
It's not that I am dying to be on a jury, mind you. Granted, It might be interesting. But then again, it might not.
Still, it would at least allow me to test my abilities as a predictor of personalities.
On Tuesday, my one day of actual service so far, there was a temptation when glancing at other prospective jurors to imagine what it would be like serving with them.
You know. Would that woman fall asleep during testimony? Would that guy be a calm voice of reason in the jury room?
I had a few hunches. So far, though, nothing I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.