Roll out the barrel
So I'm at home looking out the window, watching a young dad and his preschool son in their yard.
The dad is raking and the little boy is running around.
At some point I see the dad put his hands under the boy's arms and pick him up. He moves the boy to a position over the open green yard-waste barrel. As you know, those are pretty big and deep.
Now, I know that young man. I trust him totally. The little boy was in no danger, and I knew that.
Still, as the dad dangled the lad over the barrel I wondered if this really was a great idea.
Then the dad set his son down in the barrel. And I could see that the boy was standing high and dry on packed leaves already in the barrel. The barrel must have been 90 percent full.
The little boy did a bit of Lucy Ricardo grape-stomping and his dad lifted him out.
Like I said. Nothing to worry about.