Rest of the story
The item in today's Slice column featuring Cheryl Mitchem's recollection of taking pre-fair Season Pass photos for Expo '74 left out a few details.
She had told me she moved to Spokane from Los Angeles in 1973, with a plan to get a job with Expo. I asked her to elaborate.
"After graduating from UCLA and meeting someone in an insurance company (what else do you do with a sociology major), my then boyfriend (later husband) convinced me to get out of LA and move to Spokane (where's that?), because his dad was the president of Whitworth College (Ed Lindaman), and we could live with them in the president's house until we got jobs at the fair."
Her first Expo assignment had her in Spokane stores taking pictures for fair passes purchased by people ahead of the event.
"I got the job and wrote home, 'Dear Dad, Thanks for sending me to UCLA -- I'm taking pictures in a photo booth in grocery stores!'
"Forty years later I am living in a condo next door to the Lilac Butterfly. I have come full circle."