Street life in downtown Spokane
I was riding my bike home Thursday afternoon when I stopped in the southbound lane at the interminable traffic light at Jefferson and 2nd.
I noticed a man walking on the sidewalk on the other side of Jefferson. He looked like "The most interesting man in the world" of beer commercial fame. I'm not kidding. The resemblance was remarkable.
So, as cheerfully as I could manage, I yelled over to him, noting his uncanny appearance. The "most interesting man" is always depicted in the most amusingly flattering way, so I reasoned that there was no chance this stranger could take offense.
But he either didn't hear or simply did not wish to acknowledge me. Maybe he just heard "RAAAR RAARRH RARRHH BEER RARRH."
Another bike rider appeared. I told him what had just transpired. He chuckled and guessed the man had thought "Crazy cyclist."
I agreed and allowed that maybe he would have been right.
Stay crazy, my friends.