Best bet for M-Day weekend viewing Check listings. Check listings.
As you can see, this issue of The Saturday Evening Post came out in December. But every time I see this cover while doing online searches, I think of Memorial Day.
Reader challenge: Invent a drinking game to be played while reading The Spokesman-Review or perusing The beverages in question need not be alcoholic. I'll get us started. Every time The Slice uses "Let's move on," take a sip. Every time The Slice poses a…
Let's try to think of this in terms of baseball. Think of Memorial Day as first base. Now think of summer as second base. The question becomes this: How much of a lead-off can you take without getting picked off by back-to-work/school reality?
Casual Friday was always redundant in Spokane.
Are there movies you dislike even though you have never seen them? This was the No. 1 song on this date in 1959.
1. Because of the orientation of traditional maps, we're used to thinking of "up" as north. 2. How would this sound? (To the tune of "North to Alaska.") "South, to the South Hill "Goin' South, the rush is on "Waaaay up South..."
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.