An episode called "The Bard" first aired on May 23, 1963. A hack TV writer uses a magic spell to conjure up Shakespeare in the hope that the storied Englishman will help him punch up some lackluster scripts. You might recall Burt Reynolds playing a…
A) When I was about 4. B) I just thought the referees were a bit on the ineffectual side. C) We were not allowed to have this on the TV in my house. D) I wanted to name our dog Bobo Brazil. E) I bought…
If you set a goal and start working toward it on Sunday, the day before Memorial Day, you will have 40 days to achieve it by the 4th of July. Good luck.
Slice answers: Our question about "creative" spellings of standard-sounding first names prompted strong reactions. Most readers weighing in were vehemently opposed to unusual spellings. We heard plenty of examples. But we have no desire to cause hard feelings within families or in workplaces. So we'll…