A) Spokane is not a cattle stockyards/beef processing center. B) We all know it is a put-down, but Fort Worth, Texas -- significantly bigger than Spokane -- embraces that nickname. C) Many of those who use that expression have not spent a lot of time…
Will Spokane area football fans who casually rooted for the Detroit Lions because of Jason Hanson still wish that team well out of habit even though Hanson retired? www.toledoblade.com
If, as some contend, it's fair to say the NFL approached the network and told ESPN to distance itself from the PBS "Frontline" investigation of the league's handling of concussions and ESPN acquiesced, would you think less of ESPN? Or did you never have any…
John Denver in concert. www.countryandfolk.com I know I have mentioned this anniversary before. But not everyone remembers him. And I feel like I need to point out that he was so frickin' big at that exact time that it almost cannot be exaggerated.
A reader took me to task for not knowing that ravens and crows are the same thing. They aren't, of course. We all make mistakes. And I was happy to write back and briefly point out his. But I really don't get it. Wouldn't you…
Sure, we all update a little bit. But for the most part, what year does yours most accurately reflect? Speaking of maps. What's the longest looking-up-places-where-I-used-to-live session you have had with Google Maps?