There was no doubt about it. The dead 70-foot white pine in the front yard needed to come down. Everyone was in agreement. Waiting would just make the situation worse. But today, when the appointed time for the tree's removal came around, the homeowner was…
I don't want to cost the guy a client, so I will leave his last name out of this. But here's a note I received a few minutes ago from a reader named Mike. "Say what? A cigarette smoker came into my office this morning…
What are the magic phrases? I assume "stomach ache" doesn't work any more. So what do little kids who don't want to go to school say in 2012? How do they manipulate modern parents? "I'm having chest pains"? "My white cell count is probably off…
A couple of my colleagues were talking about someone they both know. The man said the guy in question now worked for a brokerage. He mentioned the name of the business. He said "Wright McAdams." The woman wasn't sure she heard that correctly, so she…
A) It is total BS and the people who run the sport know it. Team owners in the U.S. realize attendance would crater without it. B) I have sipped the Kool Aid and buy the argument that it is a necessary safety valve that reduces…
As you know, not all state capitals are centrally located. How many can you name that are about as far from the middle of the state as Olympia. This gets a little subjective. But to my eye, there are about 10.