Greeting trick or treaters (a few do’s and don’ts)
Do: Say "Hey, are you Frankenweenie?"
Don't: Say "What the hell are you supposed to be?"
Do: Smile. The temptation to try to be scary is understandable. But it's not always a great idea.
Don't: Require kids to pass a political litmus test.
Do: Praise children carrying lights or adorned with reflective strips.
Don't: Offer kids beer.
Do: Wave to parents lurking in the background.
Don't: Knock any little ones off your porch when opening the storm door.
Do: Praise costumes.
Don't: Launch a long story about how you once went as the Lone Ranger.
Do: Have dog treats ready to dispense to canine companions. (The wisdom of trick-or-treating with dogs that might get spooked is another matter.)
Don't: Dispense marijuana.
Do: Reward kids who say "Thank you" with a bonus Snickers.