Things not to put on your resume
I was reading a list on that topic and recalled that I once violated a basic rule.
I mentioned on a resume that I did not drink alcohol. (Unnecessary personal information.)
Now this was shortly after college. And that policy was the product of a talking-to I had given myself while still a student. You know, one of those "Get a grip, for God's sake" admonitions to the mirror.
I was not really a problem drinker, just a stupid kid. So a total alcohol ban was overdoing it. But apparently I liked dramatic gestures.
I got the job. But my new supervisor and a few of my new colleagues eventually confided that the no-alcohol thing had given them pause. It was a newspaper, after all.
I eventually eased off that prohibition. But I'm sure I never mentioned the topic again when applying for jobs.
Did you ever put something on a resume that probably should have been left off?