Suggestion box spillover
Here are a few that did not make it into today's print column.
"Five Mile Prairie desperately needs STA bus service." -- Donna Stovall
"As an ardent yard-saler and estate saler, I believe Spokanites should have orange cones atop their cars (much like student drivers) indicating we will be stopping suddenly, U-turning, slowing down to read signs and other erratic driving behavior in our fight to find great deals." -- Tracie Swanson
"I suggest that Spokane create a campaign to promote library use and encourage people of all ages to read." -- Stacy Carlson
"Spokane should establish a Port District." -- Ken Flint
"For 30 days preceding a general election, your masthead should include 'The general election will be followed by a peaceful transition of power, hallelujah.'" -- Edward Sawatzki
"I suggest you start a movement to get Halloween switched from October 31st to the last Saturday in October of each year, thereby saving parents from having to send exhausted, sugar-overloaded kids to school the following day, and also allowing for the gracious homeowners who still pass out candy to not have to face the ringing doorbell the second they walk in from work." -- Lauren Loutzenhiser
"As a way of saying 'Thank you' to all their loyal supporters who don't have the opportunity or funds to purchase season tickets at the McCarthey Athletic Center, GU men's basketball should play one conference game per year in the Spokane Veteran's Memorial Arena with tickets ranging in price from $5-$30, and sold on a first-come/first-serve basis to everyone." -- Bonita Roach
"How about building a wildlife underpass (a la U.S. Highway 95 at Athol, in North Idaho) that would start at Nine Mile and funnel only wolves up to the Canadian border where they can be returned back to their native home." -- Debbie Cross
"My suggestion is that all graduating seniors go to military boot camp (perhaps a short version of 2-4 weeks), because believe me, it will make an adult out of you who has values, is hard working and loves our country." -- Kimberly Madore
"Agree to disagree." -- Cheryl Lugar
"I suggest that everyone live by this motto: 'If there is anything virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy, seek after those things.'" -- Nancy Chevigny-Dahlke
"I suggest that you write an article on studless snow tires, how good they are and how they would save our roads." -- David Randall
"End War." -- Nick Britz
"For one month, examine carefully those in your life who have given in extraordinary proportions to family, friends and community and emulate that type of caring to those you know and to those you have not yet met." -- Lori McElhaney
"Have police officers who 'salute' disgraced Officer Thompson wear a special badge so that the average citizen can know which specific officers to sneer at (perhaps ZEHM with red slash across)." -- Leonard Butters
"I have a list of suggestions for used campaign signs: Their waterproofness and plastic coating makes them ideal for sledding, they make great walls for snow forts, they make great covers for RV tires so they don't get sunburned, they can also be used to build dog shelters." -- Gail Neidhold
"Spokane unites as a community (non-profits, business and individuals), buys a piece of property in Detroit and builds a business on it, while challenging other communities across the country to do the same." -- Darrin Coldiron
"We need to develop a new tree that drops its leaves or needles in neat piles equal to the size of a large sized leaf bag." -- Kasey Kramer
"Language translator app on smartphone or iPad could be used in an emergency room to solve communication problems." -- Roger Chase
"In any given basketball game, the height of each team's basket would be adjusted according to a yet-to-be-determined formula based on the average hieght of the players who played in that team's previous game." -- Charlotte Thacker
"I suggest that a TAB key be added to the right side of the computer keyboard by the 10-key number pad." -- Mae Greenwood
"My suggestion is a non-profit charity like Union Gospel Mission set up a website to sell 'unable to use' GU basketball tickets." -- Jack Haley
"I think you should write about my father-in-law, Dan Hite." -- Kimberly Roadruck
"Since winter is coming, Randy Shaw needs to get a perm and Tom Sherry should grow a beard." -- Val Maciver
"My suggestion is for me -- Dawber Mushmouse -- to be the first ever Marmot to win free (GO) Zags tickets!" -- Marlene Humphrey
"Raffle off the Zags and Zagettes (all of them, coaches included) as FRIEND FOR THE DAY and donate money to charity of their choice." -- Jo Anna Stanger
"Stop hiring California cowboy cops that move to North Idaho like Kry Baby Thompson and Hair Trigger Hirzel." -- Kathy Wright
"My suggestion would be that every community had a citizenry and elected officials enlightened enough to make recycling a viable enterprise." -- Charlotte Applegate
"The banks that own the foreclosed homes should somehow assist with housing those displaced by Hurricane Sandy." -- Vikki Sawyer
"I would put up an extra pedestrian crossing light at Lincoln/Main so pedestrians would not be crossing on a green light for northbound Monroe traffic." -- Mike Kraft
"My suggestion would be to have school zone lights at every school." -- Linda Hempel
"How about you continue the suggestion offer, so more of us old gomers who can't sleep on the frozen ground in the ticket line have a chance to go to a Zags game." -- Bruce Hunt
"Never be too busy to make time for family...sitting down at the table for dinner together, snuggling and reading at bedtime, and caring about your child's education." -- Mary Griffith
"Give an incentive to a business owner to open a quilt shop in downtown Spokane." -- Nancy Harris
"To best reflect changing times, and tastes, I suggest renaming the Maple Street Bridge to the Bacon and Maple Street Bridge." -- Rich Williams
"My suggestion so that I can win your GU basketball tickets is that elementary math teachers use a method that I used when teaching how to divide fractions." -- Gary Rust
"Many trendy, eclectic and exciting small restaurants and businesses are popping up in downtown Spokane, so let's take steps to create a safe, clean and inviting city center and MOVE THE STA!" -- Angela Poole
"We suggest that everyone donate what they would spend at Starbucks for one day to the Spokane Symphony -- they are an awesome group of musicians." -- Bruce and Sandy Colquhoun
There were more. But I suggest we wrap this up.