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If you have any kind of accent assumed to be North American in origin, 90 percent of the people you encounter in the Spokane area will guess that you are either a Texan or a Canadian. It's as if there are no other possibilities.
If you have any kind of accent assumed to be North American in origin, 90 percent of the people you encounter in the Spokane area will guess that you are either a Texan or a Canadian. It's as if there are no other possibilities.
I enjoyed the following note from Paul Baxter. "Mr. Turner, "In Monday's column you asked if there were any kind of soreness that people in your office regarded as too personal to discuss. "I don't work in an office. I have spent most of my…
When you are looking at an out-of-town newspaper, do you always check to see if Spokane is in the list of cities' temperatures on the weather page?
Surely others saw the reference to "Don Quixote" in today's symphony review and found themselves thinking of the 1972 movie "Man of LaMancha" featuring Ms. Loren testing the load-bearing capacity of a peasant blouse. Funny how great art stays with you.
That's what a 3-year-old Spokane girl was calling the special Sunday in May back in 1995. Her mother thought about correcting her but then decided she sort of liked the sound of that. It remains one of my 100 all-time favorite Slice items.
I wonder how many others, upon learning of George Lindsey's death, thought of Goober Pyle's delusional yet hilarious impression of Cary Grant.
What ever became of those drunk-with-power grade-school kids who were eager to be assigned the role of taking names of misbehaving classmates when the teacher had to leave the room for a few minutes (probably to have a cigarette)? Is this where some people first…
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.