Privilege of age
How old do you have to be before you no longer give a rip about what anybody thinks if you let out a yell every time you commit to a minor physical strain? I was behind this guy who might have been in his 70s…
How old do you have to be before you no longer give a rip about what anybody thinks if you let out a yell every time you commit to a minor physical strain? I was behind this guy who might have been in his 70s…
It's not unheard of for a pedestrian splashed by a car or truck zooming through a street puddle to entertain suspicions that it was a deliberate act. But then someone will ask, "What makes you think that?" And often the person now sporting wet clothes…
Was just pawing through some unsorted newsroom mail and noticed an envelope addressed to the city editor. That's not unusual, of course. But the person named on the envelope had already left the SR before I came to work here 24 years ago.
Got a note from a friend who read today's Slice column. "And what about those of us who went directly from grade school to high school?" he wrote. "I would suggest we were slightly better behaved because we were told to be role models to…
Jim Markley emailed me an image of a 1605 Italian master's watercolor called "Marmot with Plums." That was nice of him. "What could possibly be a better way to start Friday?" he wondered. Good question. A) Sleeping in. B) Time travel and activities involving the… Something tells me Ron Patimkin would not have made this year's OSU team.
One problem with Caller I.D. is that the readout can be a bit cryptic. Of course, it's still helpful to be able to see if the call is coming from an area code you recognize.
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.