One more vintage VD poster Putting the cure in procurable. Putting the cure in procurable.
If you have even the slightest interest in the S-R's handling of this, you will definitely want to check out Shawn Vestal's column tomorrow. Maybe not. For one thing, the name summons allusions to professional basketball, not college. And secondly, the company went out of business ages ago. But I doubt if it was ever available around here anyway. So what exactly is the point of this post?…
That athletes thought about sex? What's going on with his shorts? The mute button is a bit easier to use. Plus, some viewers will be switching from channel to channel today. What is Betty looking at? How about Archie? And why isn't he looking at Betty? Of course, the guy who took the treatments also wound up having to wear overalls. So I guess you take the good with the bad.
It's probably safe to assume that most people on the bus wearing earphones are listening to music of their own choosing. But when some stranger across the aisle laughs at the exact same instant you do, it might be reasonable to conclude that you are…
Today's Slice question: If every Inland Northwest business with 12 or more employees produced a swimsuit calendar featuring its own staff and management, who would have have the hottest seller? (Answers to that 15 years ago -- I only mentioned places that got multiple nominations…
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.