Another hippie bicyclist Of course, anyone who read "Ball Four" might quibble with the suggestion that he was dedicated to fitness as a player. Still, I like this picture. Of course, anyone who read "Ball Four" might quibble with the suggestion that he was dedicated to fitness as a player. Still, I like this picture.
Compared to the serious mayhem caused by inebriated motorists, lawn damage is nothing. But at this exact time of year, when the turf is mushy and vulnerable, drunks who veer onto lawns while trying to navigate their way home really make a mess. Of course,…
What would the text say?
What would the text say?
I have a Spokane friend whose daughter went to Rutgers. She married a Gonzaga grad. I asked my friend how his extended family would be dealing with the looming GU vs. Rutgers game. "I think Ted would defer to Kathryn or at least keep quiet,"…
Today's Slice question: What specific behavior in meetings tends to test your nonviolence credo?
Here are the TV shows from which those tweaked themes came. 1. "Flipper." 2. "The Brady Bunch." 3. "Maverick." 4. "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." 5. "Rawhide." 6. "The Flintstones." 7. "The Love Boat." 8. "Gilligan's Island." 9. "Mr. Ed." 10. "The Beverly Hillbillies." 11.…
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.