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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice archive for June 19, 2012

TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012

Spokane collectibles

There are still a few "Don't Move Jefferson!" signs being displayed on the South Hill. I assume the families in question intend to keep them up until the next Ice Age. That's their right, of course. But what about these signs' potential as Spokane collectibles?…

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Re: Transporting wrecked vehicles

It doesn't mean the driver might turn into a big, green angry man at any moment. You know, "Road rage? I'll show you road rage." In other news, don't you love blog post headlines that don't overpromise? I mean, someone seeing "Re: Transporting wrecked…

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Remembering jail bait rock

Yes, I'm referring to several pop songs by Gary Puckett and The Union Gap, a group with Northwest connections. Perhaps only Lou Christie did more with the theme of acquiring biblical knowledge of undoubtedly underage girls. Which was your favorite Puckett tune? Or was there…

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Let's go for a hat trick

I've heard from a couple of readers who said they were offended by today's Slice column. Feel free to make it three. And those who don't want to read about arguably private bodily matters won't want to miss a brief discussion of priapism in Thursday's…

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How cheerleaders looked in the 1960s Feel free to dismiss the whole enterprise as sexist, stupid and insufficiently earnest about serious issues. But it has to be said that once upon a time cheerleaders were not required to look like, uh, exotic dancers or blow-up dolls. That does not mean…

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The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.