Instead of getting dad socks as a gift
Our neighbor's teenage daughter came to the door this morning, needing to borrow something. I asked her when school was out. She said yesterday was the last day. I then asked if I was right in remembering that next year would be her last year…
I'm thinking of people smoking outside of stores and those who use bike racks 10 feet from where the smokers are puffing away. They routinely come in contact and have the opportunity to talk. They might not be natural allies on some issues. But perhaps…
Which was better... This? Or this? Or this? Or this?
In case you had forgotten about Naugahyde, here's an ad from the 1960s.
If Mark were to turn suddenly, Lucas would be in a world of hurt.
Try to resist: The urge to determine self-worth on the basis of ability to open jars with stuck lids.
The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.