This date in Slice history (2000)
Multiple choice: If, almost 200 years ago, explorers Lewis and Clark had worn T-shirts during their journey, what would have been printed on those shirts?
A) "I'm With Stupid."
B) "Grizzlies."
C) "Do Me."
D) "Willie Nelson Tour, 1803."
E) "Missouri Breaks Fun Run."
F) "Question Authority."
G) "Big Sky Conference Champs."
H) "Bull Shirt."
I) "If Sacajawea Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy."
J "I've Fallen And Can't Reach My Beer."
K) "I Went All The Way To The Pacific Ocean And All I Got Was This Stupid Shirt."
L) "Guns Don't Kill People -- Mountain Lions Do."
M) Other.