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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice archive for July 10, 2012

TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012

Space Filler Theater

You say you have time to waste? Well, here's a reader challenge for you. Try to come up with a brief, coherent set of rules for a drinking game based on The Spokesman-Review's 2012 editorial page endorsements of national and local political candidates. I know…

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Remembering an all-star game highlight

The great thing about baseball's all-star game is that the competition resembles actual baseball. Unlike the farcical exhibitions in football, hockey and (to a slightly lesser degree) basketball, baseball's all-star game isn't some warped version of the sport. One memorable moment from these annual National…

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Why is she so happy? A) That's how you feel when you think young. B) She is being paid for being pretty. C) It's only 1961. The Cold War wouldn't get really scary for another year. D) She finally got a fingernail on the popcorn shard that was driving…

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Multiple-choice quiz

In biker movies from decades ago, what was usually the cause of tension when rival gangs clashed? A) Some guy named Chino felt disrespected. B) Narcotics turf. C) Some chick named Poodle felt disrespected. D) Societal alienation. E) Hard to say really. F) Whattaya got?…

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The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.